Good Governance
ระยองไวร์ คือส่วนหนึ่งของการผสมผสานที่ลงตัวของความหลากหลายในการทำงาน เราเปิดโอกาสให้บุคคลที่มีศักยภาพ และต้องการความก้าวหน้า มาร่วมสร้างความสำเร็จ ไปพร้อมกับเรา
หลักปฏิบัติที่ 5
หลักปฏิบัติ :
สารจากประธานคณะกรรมการบริษัท คณะกรรมการบริษัทได้ตระหนักถึง ความสำคัญของการเสริมสร้างค่านิยมเกี่ยวกับจริยธรรมเพื่อให้เป็น วัฒนธรรมองค์กร จึงได้จัดทำจรรยาบรรณทางธุรกิจเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษรขึ้น เพื่อให้กรรมการ ผู้บริหาร และพนักงาน ได้เข้าใจและตระหนักถึงมาตรฐาน ด้านจริยธรรมที่บริษัท ใช้ในการดำเนินธุรกิจ และปรารถนาให้ ทุกคนในองค์กร ใช้เป็นกรอบในการปฏิบัติตนอย่างเคร่งครัด เพื่อส่งเสริมพฤติกรรมที่ แสดงออกถึงความรับผิดชอบต่อหน้าที่การงาน ผู้ถือหุ้น เพื่อนร่วมงาน ผู้มีส่วนได้เสีย และสังคม รวมถึงการหลีกเลี่ยงพฤติกรรมใดๆ ที่อาจเสี่ยง ต่อการขัดจริยธรรม และอาจเป็นเหตุให้เป็นการขัดต่อกฎหมายด้วย

Principle 5 : (Nurture innovation and Responsibility Business)
The company has pay attention to all stakeholders by having policies and practices as specify in “Code of Conduct and Employee Morality” and disseminated to director, executive and all level of employee adherence as guideline for dealing with stakeholders. To ensure that stakeholders are treated fairly. The company has disclose mentioned information under title of Good Governance -> Code of Conduct (
1. Shareholder
The Company respects all rights of shareholders as defined by applicable laws, regulations, Code of Conduct and other related regulations as fair treated to all shareholders, commit to be good representative of shareholders to conduct the business and maximize satisfaction of shareholders, taking into account to growth of company’s value in long run with reasonable return and fairness. There should be transparency in term of management, accurate accounting system, assist in maintaining asset of company, controlling in related transaction process, measure to prevent conflict of interest and secure on using information for self-benefit thus there are mechanism by make shareholders to be confident on receive right information (details on right of shareholders shown in Practice 1 Right of Shareholders and Practice 2 To treat shareholders equally)
In Year 2019, company has dividend payment for year 2018 as amounting of 52.87 Million Baht because the company has to reserve cash as working capital and invest more in various projects.
The company has informed business operation accurately every semester and disclosed when entering into related transaction under same conditions with external parties through SETSMART of The Stock Exchange of Thailand also company’s website.
By this, every company shareholders has invited to 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and has rights to votes in every agendas by received information in many ways such as Invitation letter and social media.
2. Employees
Employee of company is importance and valuable resources and is essential to bring the organization’s success therefore the company will support, promote training course and developing knowledge of employees in order for foundation to support critical business strategy continually together with build stable career and provide opportunities for growth potential of each person as well as employees are involved in setting strategic direction and development company. Paying respect to employees and basic human rights by returns with fairness, appropriate knowledge and each employee performance in accordance with providing welfare in order to encourage employees’ quality of life and well-being:
It also recognizes importance of promoting development potential of all employees for knowledge, abilities to reserve for fluctuation of economy situation includes stability in the profession and provides an opportunity for progression, according to each person’s potential. Moreover,
participating in define direction of operation as returns by fairness, reasonable with knowledge, abilities, responsibilities and performance of each employees
Compensation and welfare of employees
The company provides fair compensation which based on knowledge, ability and responsibility, performance and provides welfare to promote quality of life and well-being thus subsidiaries has establish welfare committee to provide opportunities for employees to participate in welfare administration also support any activities and open up any channel for employees to communicate, suggest or claim any complaint on various matter in workplace through designate channels.
Compensation of employees: The Company provides fair compensation to every level of employees in accordance to business operation each year and compared with same size of business
as in long term there is clearly measurement in performance and potential of employee, arrange to grow by in line which will be reasonable welfare.
Employee benefits: The company has provident fund in order to care on benefits of employees and encourage long term saving in the future which includes as incentive to employees to work in company for long time by employees as a member of provident fund will received subsidy at the rate of 5 percent of wage every month also member need to accumulate same rate as well. In case employee has resigned from company, he/she will received contribution of fund including average net assets value of fund.
The company has provide benefits and safety to employee as standard benefits (accordance to law) such as working date, holidays, annual leave, other holidays, Social Security, Compensation Fund, Provident Fund. Mentioned benefits are continuously promote to employee
Welfare to develop employee
Provide to support in term of internal and external education
Provide seminar of knowledge related to work within and outside the company Continuously
Welfare to help for cost of living and the family
Provide hygienic canteen with reasonable price
Provide form to employees (daily) and employees (monthly)
Provide transportation to employees
Provide expenses on travel costs, vehicle and fuel expense
Provide help in term of rent (house)
Provide lunch allowance
Provide incentives of bonus, shift, experiences
Provide welfare on victim cases, in cases of death of parent and married couple of employee includes allowance for death
Welfare to encourage employee savings and stability in the future
Provide provident fund to save money in the future which members need to cumulate as 5-15 percent of wages and will receive the fund contribution from the company every month at the rate of 5% of the wage as
Provide saving and credit cooperatives
Provide gratuities to employees or commutation for maintain benefits from retirement
Provide health care
Provide medical room by having registered nurse including medical supplies and medicine
Provide annual health checkup and health check by risk factor
Welfare for sport and recreation
Provide athletic to strengthen health, build harmony and build good relationship within employees
Employee Development Policy: The company has policy for employee development in order to competitive advantage of organization in term of market, professional development, management and quality of life thus provide training for development for employee at least 6 hours/person/year which is not less than 50% of total employees as end of year
Training |
Amount of Employee |
Rational of Training |
Training for 6 hours |
111 |
77.62% |
Training less than 6 hour |
32 |
22.38% |
Total employee as end of 2018 |
143 |
100.00% |
Name of Training Program |
Number of Hours |
Method for measuring acidity-base In order to get an accurate measurement result |
3 |
Seminar on Network of Labor Productivity in Rayong Province |
6 |
Preserving hearing Surveillance and prevention of ear disease, class 1 |
6 |
Preserving hearing Surveillance and prevention of ear disease, class 2 |
6 |
Driving a Forklift safely and correctly |
6 |
Documenting QP / QM / FM / WI documentation of the ISO system: 2015 |
6 |
Submission of electronic financial statements (DBD e-Filing) for public limited companies |
3 |
System integration to expand organization potential and increase business opportunities |
3 |
Professional application of modern inverter |
6 |
RakRayong Factory Jointly prevent and reduce accidents, internal and external accidents |
6 |
Chemical hazards and first aid |
6 |
Cultivating BBS Safety Behavior |
6 |
Seminar for large power users in Rayong Province |
5 |
Principles of being a supervisor |
30 |
Name of Training Program |
Number of Hours |
Assessing occupational injury risk in accordance with ISO45001 standards |
3 |
Predictive maintenance measurements with the 4.0 era motor |
6 |
In-depth Standard TFRS9 TFRS15 TFRS16 Essence, Impact, Guidelines and Case Studies |
12 |
The operator controls the forklift truck safely. |
30 |
Review of work on cranes |
6 |
Penalties and dangers of substance abuse |
3 |
Safety Officer Supervisor level |
12 |
Labor relations law |
3 |
First aid and basic resurrection |
6 |
Senior Energy Personnel in Basic Theory |
30 |
35/2019 Industrial Business Electricity Consumers Seminar |
6 |
Seminar to exchange knowledge to develop health management systems in an organization. |
6 |
Happy and ready for retirement |
6 |
Using the SET Link system |
3 |
Primary fire fighting |
6 |
Crane overhead, signal carrier, crane controller for 1/62 |
6 |
Total 30 TrainingProgram |
242 |
Safety and hygiene in work and working environment : The company and its subsidiaries has play attention on safety and hygiene in workplace by set clearly and concrete policies including set up safety committee in term of health and environment of workplace (Kor. Por. Or) in order to work on safety and good hygiene for employees – check on safety of workplace regularly, safety securities for 24 hours, CCTV, indoor alarm system, fire extinguisher, fire door through held fire safety training and first aid training to employee every year. The company and its subsidiaries has communicate with their employee and operator to acknowledge and involve in those practices as follow:
Support and creative for work by safety and preserve the environment
Support in order to create safety in workplace, provide safety equipment and workplace as well as encourage knowledge and work with safety
Make policies for all supervisor to be responsible for safety in workplace in accordance to regulation of safety as set by company and its subsidiaries strictly
Apart from this, company has public information, any knowledge relate to disease prevention and care of employee health through exhibition and advertising boards by following process.
Committee in term of safety, health and environment in workplace |
Subsidiary |
Legislation |
Amount |
Employee |
Director |
Staff Member |
Board |
Male |
Female |
Total |
100 but not more than 500 |
7 |
148 |
10 |
1 |
11 |
Safety Officer |
Amount |
Male |
Female |
Total |
1. Jor.Por. (Executive Level) |
5 |
2 |
7 |
2. Jor.Por. (Supervisor Level) |
31 |
6 |
37 |
3. Jor.Por. (Professional Level) |
1 |
– |
1 |
37 |
8 |
45 |
Details |
Accident statistics |
11 |
Leave statistic due to sickness |
· Less than 3 days |
7 |
· More than 3 days |
4 |
Communication Chanel for employees: Apart from complaint channel as above mentioned- company and subsidiaries has opened up direct channel for communicate, suggest, complaint and report any problems related to work between employee and commander to welfare committee and report to Board of Directors next.
The company has set defend employee complaint protection which includes co-operatives in investigation, fact will be protected from unfair practices due to cause of complaint e.g.; interfering with performance, change job and lay off
In year 2019, all suggestion has been considered and corrective action in order to maintain good relationship with equally treatment among employees thus company has implement by a mechanism that does not affect employees who report the clues and will keep it secretly
3. Customer
Boards of Directors play intention to relationship on building and taking care of customers therefore company and its subsidiaries holds honesty and fair for doing their business operation, not violate right of customers/ treat customers equally which base on fair competition for both parties
Subsidiaries have policies to response customers in order to lead to success of company in accordance to practices and regulations agreed with customers.
Provide advice including accurate and sufficient information to customer also meets customers need with speed, maintain client confidentiality thus not take client confidentially to be used for advantage or wrongful related
Development on products and services in order to meet customers need by innovative ways to add value to your products continuously
Play attention on keep information of product secretly and not use as self-benefit
Play attention to information which benefit to customer by having clear labels other than law required
Provide division for customer services or consumer in term of complaint and suggest on product quality, convenience services by emphasize on customer needs together with fairly conducted to customers.
In year 2019, there aren’t any complaint from customers significantly thus company has analyzed the causes in order to prevent and monitor all system also deploy this to whole organization. Moreover, managing director has play importance roles on mentioned subjects by set division to be responsible and report to Executive Board to be resolved, build relationship, satisfy existing and new customers which as result in continue order
4. Competitors
The company has a policy to treat competitors without violating the secrets or knowing the trade secrets of competitors by fraud, therefore set the policy principles as follows
The company operates business in accordance with the competition framework that is honest and fair. Comply with the agreements with competitors under the framework of the law and business ethics of the company.
Not seeking confidential information of competitors through dishonest or inappropriate methods
Do not destroy the reputation by accusing and defame competitors
Support and promote free trade be fair, not monopolize or require customers of the company and subsidiaries to trade with the company
In year 2019, the company has no dispute with regard to competitors
5. Partners
The Company has played an importance role on focusing of practice equally and fairness which based on fair return on both sides. Its business partners must not bring discredit to the reputation of the company, or the law.
No receive or consent to accept properties or other benefit apart from trade agreement
Build relationship, good corporation and product development in order to strengthen capacity and business performance together with long run of joint business (win win solution)
Products procurement is importance process of administrative expenses and product quality to reach highest benefit of company therefore criteria and evaluation system needed
Encourage partners to participate in international standards related to Environmental In year 2019, no appear that company has obey in suppliers agreement
6. Creditor
The Company has practices under the conditions strictly together with build relationship with creditor in order to create trusted and confident by on time payment to creditor under the agreements.
The company has bank transfer through media clearing which is more convenience for creditor.
In year 2019, company has business creditors which are in the pass we have never default of payment.
7. Labor
The company has to ensure that company and their subsidiary has not used illegal labor.
8. Human Rights
Encourage Executives and employees as citizen to exercise their rights on constitutional legal and other related laws thus including Executives and employees should not use their power to emphasize others to support any political activities either directly or indirectly.
Provide knowledge of human right to employees and not support activities that violate human rights
Avoid partnering with organization lead to violate human right
Give the employee right to argue for self-identification if the fault is indicated or any corruption on job thus any complaints will attentive and act fairly
Provide any channel to employee or whom believe their rights are violated or unfair treated then could complaint to company as complaints should be taken care of treated fairly
Throughout the business operation, company and its subsidiaries never have a history of unfair practices and no law suit in this matter.
9. Political Rights
Encourage Executives and employees as citizen to exercise their rights on constitutional legal and other related laws thus including Executives and employees should not use their power to emphasize others to support any political activities either directly or indirectly.
10. Government
Doing business operation under provision of law and regulations of strictly regulated by the agency to cooperate in providing information, was required, and requested by the state agency. By this, the company has pay Tax paid correctly and on time in accordance with the laws of VAT, Business tax, Income tax, withholding tax label stamp duties and a personal income tax.
11. Social and Community
The company has realize importance on social and community by set policies to instill a sense of community as responsible in social and community to executives and every level of employees continuously for improvement on quality of life and benefit in society to return profits in social and community regularly
To create understanding on communicate with community and social in term of business operation, responsible for communities and social by do not cover facts that may reveal
Organize activities that benefit community and society such as building the library, funds donate to charity and charitable organizations, Hospital and Buddhist activities
Take advantage of resources as needed by minimal impact to social and community
12. Environment
The company operates by focusing on natural resources and environment which pay attention to energy conservation activities which support better quality of life includes awareness of preservation and conservation of the environment to remain sustainable beneficial to the community.
Encourage employee of consciousness about responsibility on Environmental throughout organization continuously by driven by both inside to outside and outside to inside
Improvement and development process in term of machinery and technology continuously also have manage systematically both in production of goods and services in order to reduce environmental impact
In order to be consistent with policy on managing environmental, company and subsidiaries has practice as follow mentioned policy and ISO 14001:2015
Educating and training employees in environmental issues:
The company has recognize the importance of campaign also raise awareness of executives and employees to care of environmental by enhance knowledge on environmental issue through exhibition, sign together with related document.
To promote efficient use of resources:
The company has set policies to employee to user resource effectively in all process related business operation for highest return by taking environmental affect into consideration as define measurement to prevent and mitigate effect that may occur systematically
The company using resources efficiently and effective in term of cost, control energy consumption and create awareness for organization and build employees to be involved in energy efficiency in all aspects such as electricity, oil and water supply continuously both workplace and home. Be aware on energy saving and to acknowledge effects of global warming
Reduce paper consumption by using 2 sides of paper together with development information technology in term of workflow system to replace the paper in workplace both factory and office, meeting conference through VDO conference