Good Governance
Rayong Wire are part of the perfect mix of diversity in the workplace. We provide opportunities for people with potential and desire for advancement to join us in creating success go with us
Principle 2
Principle :
Message from Chairman Board of Directors has realize importance issue on building ethic value to make as corporate culture so code of conduct on business ethic has been prepared (written) for Directors, Executives and employees for understand and realize on company’s standard of ethic as uses for business operation and desire every employees within organization use as framework for their practices. Moreover, to promote behaviors that demonstrates responsibility for work, shareholders, workmate, stakeholders and society includes avoid any behaviors which conflict to business ethic and may contradict the law

Principle 2 : (Define Objectives that Promote Sustainable Value Creation)
The Board of Directors has set objectives and company goals in order to perform the work efficiency and focused on the ability to respond to customer needs effectively. There is a continuous development of production processes and a focus on after-sales service as well as develop the knowledge and ability of the personnel. The management system throughout the company must be reliable and can be trusted by customers and society as a whole. According to Industrial standard requirements of ISO9001: 2015 and environmental standard requirements of ISO14001: 2015, the company has set targets for increasing sales and developing production processes including product quality. The company aim to continuously grow by planning operations to expand production capacity and increase product variety to meet the needs of customers, the company’s management has the idea to improve efficiency of machinery.
The Board of Directors has jointly determined the company’s strategy and annual work plan which must be consistent with the vision and mission. In formulating strategies and plans for each year, the Board of Directors will consider all aspects by analyzing various risk factors such as finance, strategy, and operations, etc., taking into account the society, environment and all groups of stakeholders.
The Board of Directors is aware of the importance of social responsibility and environment concern in parallel with the company’s business operations. The company is participating in the improvement of the quality of life of communities around the factory with respect for human rights and fair treatment of labor, contribute to the sustainable communities and factories living together.
In this regard, the Board of Directors has stipulated guidelines for the business operations of the company, leading to the sustainable growth goals by considering the balance of return in terms of quantity and quality. The company is encouraging all employees in the company, realizing that the business can grow strongly bythe cooperation of employees. The company and all employees concern to the stakeholders, social and environmental responsibility in order to enable operations in all sectors to achieve common goals.
The company has good corporate governance and gives the rights to all employees and all groups of stakeholders both internally and externally. Both individuals and groups Organizations such as employees, investors, customers, business partners, communities, society, environment, government agencies or regulators can communicate or report clues to the company. Whenever they are encountering matters that may constitute corruption both directly and indirectly Offense or business ethics or company policies or complaints about violation of rights as well as behavior that may be a problem and cause damage to the company or not being treated fairly, including suggestions regarding the company’s business operations The company provides channels for reporting clues and complaints as follows:
- Notify via the company website:
- Notify via email of
- Managing Director at
- Company Secretary at
- Send the sealed post to
- KhunNongnuch Khumchaithep, “Company Secretary” Rayong Wire Industries Public Company Limited 1011 Supalai Grand Tower Building, 17th Floor, Rama 3 Road Chong Nonsi Sub district, Yannawa District, Bangkok 10120
- Send the sealed post to
The clues, complaints and suggestions will be considered and implemented as appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
The Board of Directors has assigned the managing director and / or the company secretary to be the person to consider the notification of clues and complaints and suggestions of interested parties to the Executive Committee and / or the Audit Committee and / or Risk Management Committee, conduct an investigation and report to the Board of Directors respectively. The whistleblower’s data and various complaints will be kept as a company secret.
In 2019, the company had no case of giving or receiving a bribe for the business benefit of the company at all.