Good Governance
Rayong Wire are part of the perfect mix of diversity in the workplace. We provide opportunities for people with potential and desire for advancement to join us in creating success go with us
Principle 1
Principle :
Message from Chairman Board of Directors has realize importance issue on building ethic value to make as corporate culture so code of conduct on business ethic has been prepared (written) for Directors, Executives and employees for understand and realize on company’s standard of ethic as uses for business operation and desire every employees within organization use as framework for their practices. Moreover, to promote behaviors that demonstrates responsibility for work, shareholders, workmate, stakeholders and society includes avoid any behaviors which conflict to business ethic and may contradict the law

Principle 1 : (Establish Clear Leadership Role and Responsibilities of Board)
The Board of Directors is aware of the roles, duties and responsibilities of overseeing the company to be well-organized. As a leader of the organization, we aim to the business operations of the company and subsidiaries must not only focus on conducting economic growth but also stress on the intention of creating a sustainable business and driving society at the same time. It would consist of social and environmental responsibility by established regulations with the objective of providing management. The operations of the Board of Directors are in accordance with the objectives and regulations of the company. Our responsibility must be clear under the management policy with transparency and can be verified with the following best practices as follows:
- Perform duties honestly in accordance with the laws, objectives and regulations of the company as well as resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting, all for the benefit of the company.
- Monitor the business operations of the company, devote time to attend the Board’s meeting in order to give opinions and consider various activities regularly.
- Reportof securities acquisition and report of changes in securities holding of companies, their spouses and children who have not yet become legal age submitted to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- When a director has a direct or indirect interest in the contract or in any business that the company has made during the fiscal year, they must inform the company
- In case that the Director wishes to purchase the company’s assets, sell the property to the company or do business with the company, no matter acting on their own behalf or on behalf of others it must be approved by the Board of Directors that must not violate the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Stock Exchange of Thailand or other related laws.
- To offer the company securities, Directors should monitor and ensure that the financial status information and performance of the company are disclosed in actual and accurate without concealing any statement to the public.
- When submitting documents to the registrar Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, the directors must follow up to ensure the given data correctly according to the information contained in the book Registration or other documents of the company.
In each year, the Board of Directors meeting, in addition to assigning a mission, we formulate strategies of the operation policy in accordance with the mission in each year for the management to proceed further. Board of Directors jointly creating regulations for the company’s Directors who can determines the authority and responsibility of the Board of Directors and sub-committees. The regulations of the Board of Directors stipulate that the directors must manage the operations of the company in accordance with the laws, regulations, resolution of the shareholders’ meeting as well as the guidelines. Also, to set forth the approval process for important operations in accordance with the law including establishing regulations for approval and operations, authorized Director has the power to approve various matters of the company as specified.
Board of directors recognizes the importance of strengthening ethical values to be a corporate culture. Therefore, the company has prepared a Code of Conduct in writing to allow directors, executives, and employees to understand and be aware of the ethical standards that the company uses for business operations, and for everyone in the organization to use as a framework for strict conduct in order to promote behaviors that demonstrate responsibility for their duties. It can enhance to shareholders, colleagues Stakeholders and society including avoiding any behavior that leaded to the risk of ethics and violation of the law. In the year 2019, all directors, executives and employees of the company have strictly complied with the business ethics
In the year 2019, all directors, executives and employees of the company strictly abide by the business ethics that no action is taken on matters set out in the Code of Business Conduct.